Friday, October 16, 2009

Things to do in Latin America: 1. Learn Spanish. 2. Learn how to drive stick shift.

Well it is very interesting that now I can be asked to drop people off different places since I am slowly but surely getting the hang of stick shift. It is a little difficult to have a 100% smooth ride, but we don't have pavement so it wouldn't be smooth anyways...

This week has been hot. This is the rain season but in the last week there really hasn't been that much. Just heat. heat. heat.

I got a little nervous in the beginning of the week because I was having some problems, we won't go into too much detail, because i want people to keep reading my blog and not get grossed out. Anyways, the director here, Carol has typhoid and also had salmonella. I was a little nervous that I might have had it to, but as of now the problems have pasted, so we will keep on keeping on.

The other day a woman came over to our house with her twins who both are HIV positive, along with their mother. It is sad to think about, but they were great people and really funny babies!

Wednesday we went over to a house to do physical therapy and when the mother wasn't there right away her daughter, who is 2 years old, played hostess. She offered us water and told us to come in and sit down. We didn't know if the water was safe so when Hannah had the cup and the girl looked away we dumped it!

I know there is so much more, but I think my brain is fried.
I miss you all! Feel free to e-mail

p.s. I haven't thanked people yet, but honestly everyone who helped me get here financially, spiritually, or any other way, it means a lot and I am truly thankful!!

p.p.s GO PHILLIES!!!! Let's make it 2!

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